Perfect Career

A WHITE-COLLAR CAREER cannot create residual income. I have been on the search for a perfect career that can create residual income. In this video, I’m looking at a white-collar career. A white-collar career worker is a person who performs professional work, managerial work, or administrative work. Typically, white-collar work is performed in an office or cubicle. Many people choose a white-collar career because it’s one of the most socially acceptable options available. It used to be viewed as the safest and most secure option. But let me ask you, today, is this still the truth? Recently, that has changed! The implied contract of, if you’re loyal to the company, the company will be loyal to you is long gone. Things have changed. The economy of many countries has changed. Some white-collar workers face downsizes in their companies. Devaluation of currency in some countries is taking a downturn and the paycheck of some white-collar workers has lost its value. Today’s world is termed the “VUCA’’ world, a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. To thrive in today’s world, you must learn some new skills. So. Back to the search, is a white-collar career the perfect career? Again, the answer is, no! No! an obvious No! Certainly, not in very many areas. So, the search continues. Thank you.