Perfect Career

I have been on a search for a perfect career. I have a video describing what a perfect career should be. In today’s video, I’m talking about a sales career. Does a sales career qualify as the perfect career? Who is a sales worker? A sales worker is a person paid on his production instead of by the hour. A sales worker sets a target for himself every day. Each day, he starts at zero working hard to achieve his target. This might cause pressure on the worker. In a sales career, there are some good moments and some challenging moments. In sales, a time comes when it appears that everything the worker touched is gold, and he makes really good money. As soon as that happens, he sets his lifestyle to that level of income. He can buy a new house, or build a new one depending on his area. He buys new cars and puts his kids in better schools. Everything becomes great for him. But then, something might happen; the company might change their payment plan, their territory might get reduced, a competitor might show up, they might lose their best customer, the economy might go into recession, a new technology might make their offer less valuable, and government regulations might change their industry. Things can really change. When this happens, with the lifestyle the person has developed, he begins to struggle. He begins to struggle for survival to make ends meet. With all these happening around the life of a sales worker, can a sales career provide the perfect career? Again, the answer is no, an obvious no. it can’t. So, the search continues. Thank you.