Perfect Career

WOULD A BLUE-COLAR CAREER MAKE YOU SHINE? This is a continuation of my search for the perfect career that can create residual income. In my last video, I described what the perfect career should be. Do you still remember the attributes of a perfect career? Please check my previous video on the search for a perfect career. In this video, I’m talking about a blue-collar career. Before then, I’m going to mention the five categories of jobs I know of that exist in the world. These categories of jobs are the blue-collar career, the white-collar career, the sales career, investing, and traditional business ownership. Now! Who is a blue-collar worker? A blue-collar worker is a man who performs manual labour, cleans something, makes something, and gives someone service for a little pay. A blue-collar worker in most cases is an unskilled worker. In many establishments, he receives a low paycheck. Guess what? Your responsibilities are no respecter of your paycheck. Now, I have this question, can blue-collar work deliver the perfect career? The answer is an obvious no! It can’t deliver the perfect career! It cannot take you to where you want to go, and it cannot create residual income. But there is hope! But hope is not a strategy? Follow me on this search to uncover the strategy! Click below for more, Thank you.