Hi! I’m so thrilled and excited to welcome you to this year 2023 and welcome to my channel, Residual Income Consulting. I have made videos about various careers I know of in the world; the blue-collar career, white-collar career, sales career, investing, and traditional business ownership. I’m going to leave the links in this video. I have also made a video about a perfect career. A perfect career is a career that has all the characteristics that you can never imagine a career can provide you. I’m going to leave a link for the video here. None of the careers I mentioned had all the characteristics of a perfect career. I made a video about a better career that was found and had all the characteristics a perfect career should have. I’m also going to give you the link in this video. Today’s video is about you in 2023. Do you want to become an unstoppable wealth creator this year 2023, and create wealth beyond your imagination? Do you know that there is a business opportunity that can enable you to do that? I’m going to provide you a link to the business opportunity. The business opportunity transforms the lives of people beyond their imagination. When I saw the business opportunity for the first time I was astonished. I saw a business that could transform people’s lives within 2-4 years. I’m Virginia, a university professor, and I have worked for over 20 years. I saw a business that can pay a person in one month what a professor cannot earn in a year. I was highly astonished. I saw a business that bankers, lawyers, doctors, and any professions you know of in the world can do. Some of them have resigned from their previous good jobs, and today they’re doing this business full-time and doing massively well. Today, some of these people contribute to society positively; some provide scholarships, some build homes for the poor, some provide amenities; drill water bore-holes in their areas, and some give free medical care. These are the things I love most; to impact society positively. Your salary cannot do these. This year, do you want to be a person God will use to transform your generation through this business? If your life is touched, you’ll be able to raise people around you so that collectively you’ll impact society positively. I’m going to provide you the link to this business. Subscribe to my channel for my videos, and click below for more. I’ll like to have questions from you. I wish you the best of luck and the best of 2023, bye.

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