Perfect Career


Hi! Welcome to my channel! Thank you for watching this video and following the search for a perfect career. I’m happy to announce that today the result of the search will be announced. Please, stay until the end of this video because a lot of revelations will be made, and I bet you are going to have value for your time. Before now, the world was operating in the old economy. All the careers (blue-collar, white-collar, sales, investing, and traditional business ownership) I talked about were obtainable in the old economy, and none had all the attributes of a perfect career. Do you still remember the attributes of a perfect career? Go check my previous videos. So, in the old economy, there was no perfect. A shift occurred, and the world entered a new economy. The perfect career we talked about; do we have it in the new economy? Please stay until the end of this video so that you’ll be able to find out. If you’re just joining my channel, I’m Virginia. I’m passionate about helping you understand the importance of residual income. Now, we’re in the new economy. The world as you know it has changed. Do you agree with me? The world today is in a performance economy. Here’s what it means; you’re only going to be paid for performance. This will happen in every profession worldwide if it hasn’t already, except in some extremely specialized disciplines. The new economy is what companies love. Companies prefer it, why? It’s a better model for them. They get better results with less expense. Secondly, the new economy needs fewer people, so companies have more people competing for fewer and fewer jobs. WHY does the NEW ECONOMY need fewer people? It’s because the exponential rise of technology has changed everything. There are robots everywhere. Cast your mind back to as far as you can remember certain things About 100 years ago, 90% of the population worked in agriculture. Today, it’s less than 1% and the farming jobs are gone. Remember when you used to go to cinema houses to watch videos? Now, people watch movies on handheld or tablet devices, and those jobs are gone. Remember customer service call centers where you talked to people? Today, you talk to a machine, and those jobs are gone. When last did you buy a newspaper, today you read newspapers online every day. When last did you go to a post office to check your mail? Today you receive your email regularly. This is a revolution; the revolution has begun. People who are privileged to join a revolution when it’s starting always benefit from the revolution maximally. I’m here so that you can understand what is happening in the world, and you join those who can benefit maximally because the revolution has just started. There are so many things you can do with technology. Today people do business with their handheld phones, and succeed maximally. The new economy (the performance economy) is what companies love. Another very important feature of the new economy is that it offers companies choices to make in terms of how their products reach consumers; They can dive into the world of advertising, and spend big money on advertising, they can hire a large and expansive sales force, and they can utilize word-of-mouth advertising, and under this entrepreneurship thrives Companies allow entrepreneurs to receive benefits from companies as traditional business owners. You can imagine you receiving benefits from a company you never spent money on, you never participated in the administration of the company, and you were making benefits from the company as one of the owners of the company; that is what entrepreneurship can offer you. You have many benefits from the company as follows: You receive uncapped income (unlimited income). You enjoy leverage, You create residual income, you get time freedom and health freedom, you begin to impact society positively, You have opportunity for vacations/ international travels, You have luxury, and live life on your terms, etc. These and more are the benefits you can get for being an entrepreneur. All these are attributes of a perfect career. So, in the new economy we found a perfect career. A career that has all the attributes of a perfect career that we couldn’t get in the old economy. In the new economy, we have a career that is better than all the careers in the old economy. So, why not join the new economy, join the digital world. I hope I have been able to make you understand (1) why you should make a shift in your mindset, (2) why you should join the new economy, (3), why you should become an entrepreneur Thank you for staying until the end of this video. Subscribe to my channel for my videos, and click below for more. Remember to like this video. Thank you.